Prophet Yvette L. Tate was born in Mobile, Alabama. She is the third child born of the four siblings in her family. Prophet Tate and her family was raised under the Baptist congregation and the teachings came out of the Holy Bible (KJV). Being very active in the ministry as a child, she was a lead soprano singer in the children’s choir. She also was the assistant to the children’s Sunday School teacher, because of her scriptural etiquette of the Holy Bible. At age 6, she was required to read the Holy Bible to her grandparent’s daily which enhanced her knowledge in the Word of God and it was noticed by the church. At age 8, Prophet Tate received the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.
Our Pastor
During her adolescent years, she continued to study the holy scriptures, had visions and dreams which manifested openly, as well as speaking prophetic words into the lives of God’s people. She always had a love for prayer because her grandmother taught her at an early age that prayer was most important in our lives. Her grandparent’s would have her pray for them when they were in pain, and they would tell her to touch that area and the pain would subside through their belief and prayers unto God. Her grandmother would always tell her that she was the chosen one out of the family, and that God wanted to perform a great work through her.
Upon receiving the Holy Ghost, her grandparents wanted her to be more grounded in the biblical teachings from the Holy Bible. So they started to fellowship with the C.O.G.I.C. congregation which gave her more understanding about the gifts and talents that God had blessed her with. During her spiritual growth over the years she continued to be extremely active in the ministry. Prophet Tate was involved in several committees at the church because her gifts and talents were recognized by leadership especially concerning prayer. By the age of 14, she continued to sing in the choir, she cleaned the church, she was a usher, hospitality greeter, as well as part of the prayer intercessors. During this time her knowledge in the holy scriptures was sharpened and God was using her in the prophetic realm to help his people through the manifestation of His supernatural power.

Prophet Yvette Tate, Pastor
2912-H Dauphin Island Pkwy. Mobile, AL 36605
(251) 214-9160
As she became a young adult, she began to teach children’s Sunday School, became head of intercessory prayer, continued to sing in the choir, pastor’s aid committee, hospitality greeter and later being elevated to the Pastor’s wife armor bearer. During this time God had arrested Prophet Tate in the spirit. The Lord put her on a 365 day consecration with fasting, praying, and studying of the holy scriptures. The Lord told her that she was solely for his purposes and His alone, so she began to only do intercessory prayer, and give the prophetic spoken Word of God. As years went by, many trials and tests occurred in Prophet Tate’s life.
Currently, Prophet Yvette L. Tate is Pastor of Harvest Time Ministries International, licensed and ordained by God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, helping to edify the body of Christ and building of His Kingdom. God has anointed her with many of the gifts of the spirit, walking in the office of a Prophet, with no restrictions put on the power of God. Prophet Tate is truly a chosen, ordained, and saved Woman of God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.